Drita tavani Stil Moderne Boble

£369.99 Nga £332.99

Ripërcaktoni dhomën tuaj të ndenjes ose dhomën e gjumit me këtë dritë tavani Stil Moderne Boble. Ky llambadar qelqi është transparent dhe i dizajnuar si një gotë llambadar molekular me top xhami. Kjo dritë tavani është një vepër arti që ndërthur një stil modern estetik dhe dizajn lakonik. Do të mbushë shtëpinë tuaj me dritë të butë dhe një ndjenjë bukurie magjepsëse kur instalohet dhe ndizet. Kjo dritë mund të përdoret në dhomën e gjumit ose dhomën e ndenjes dhe është një shtesë e bukur për çdo hapësirë. Ngjyra e saj neutrale gjithashtu e bën të lehtë përshtatjen me pothuajse çdo dekor.


  • Burimi i energjisë: AC
  • Materiali: Alumini, G lass Stone
  • Burimi i dritës: Llamba LED
  • Llamba të përfshira: Po
  • Tensioni: 90-260V
  • Lloji i hijes: Ndërprerës me çelës
  • Lloji i instalimit: Montimi gjysmë i rrjedhshëm
  • Garancia: 2 vite


Delivery info

Our standard free worldwide shipping option is tracked, and your order will be delivered within 20 - 60 Business Days from shipment. We strive to deliver orders well before the 60-business-day mark, as evidenced by our satisfied customer reviews.

Wall Lights & Small Items

Country Estimated Delivery Time ( days )
UK 20 - 60
EU 20 - 60
Rest of world 20 - 60


Ceiling Lights & Large Items

Country Estimated Delivery Time ( days )
UK 20 - 60
EU 20 - 60
Rest of world 20 - 60


Processing Time

Orders are generally processed within 24-48 hours and shipped after being specially manufactured for each customer. However, this process may take up to 14 business days, excluding national holidays. Additionally, some products may have a longer production time due to their bespoke nature.


Import Tax & VAT

Please note that customs may add extra charges when the items are shipped from our International Warehouses. This is something we cannot control. If you decide not to pay the customs fees and the package is returned to us, we will not be able to give you a refund. We also do not cover customs charges. Also, some items may have Value-Added Tax (VAT) added to them. You can check for this information in the order summary.



Click here for further details on Returns page

Please note that issues and returns will be handled case by case, so if you need clarification or have any questions about our returns policy, feel free to contact us. We will work with you to find a suitable solution to resolve any issues you may have.


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